Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keeping Your Teenager Safe

Car crashes are the leading cause of death among 16- to 20-year-olds. In fact, one of five teen drivers will be in a crash during the first year of driving. The Auto Club is working to improve teen driver safety by raising awareness of the problem.
At Holmes Body Shop collision repair is a family affair. We've been around for over 36 years, so we're seeing the next generation (and the one after that) of drivers (and accidents) come into our shops. No one wants to be in an accident, but it's especially hard when your teen driver experiences one. If it happens, We're here to help! Auto Club has some sound advice to start your teen's driving career off right.

The Auto Club urges parents of teen drivers to learn and follow California’s graduated driver license law and help improve their teen’s safety by following:
AAA’s list of 10 Things Parents Can Do to Keep Their Teen Driver Safe.
1. Know and understand your teen
Not all teens are mature and responsible enough to drive at age 16.
2. Be a positive and responsible role model
AAA research shows that teen drivers with collisions and citations often have parents with similar driving records. Familiarize yourself and your teen driver with all of the state driving laws and rules of the road, with the California Driver’s Handbook.
3. Locate a quality driving school
Driving schools with significant amounts of interaction and highly trained instructors are best. Parents should select a driving school that encourages parental involvement and progress reports.
4. Create a parent-teen driving agreement
Agreeing to rules, conditions, restrictions and consequences of teens’ driving behavior written down in advance establishes driving as a privilege and not a right.
5. Make a smart vehicle and insurance choice for teens
As the family member most likely to crash, a teen should drive the safest vehicle the family owns. Make sure your teen is properly insured and ask if your teen is eligible for the new driver and/or good student auto insurance discounts.
6. Practice might not make perfect but it can make for a better teen driver
Supervised practice with parents obtaining a license provides teens with opportunities to reinforce proper driving skills and receive feedback from those who care the most about their safety.
7. Set a time each week to discuss safe driving
Parental communication is critical in the prevention of teen-related crashes, injuries and fatalities. Teens who might be tempted to race can find a safe and fun outlet through the NHRA Street Legal Program oval tracks.
8. Keep teen drivers free of passengers and off the road at night
AAA research shows that a teen driver’s chances of crashing increase two-fold with additional passengers. Research also shows teen crash rates spike at night and that most crashes occur between 9 p.m. and midnight.
9. Encourage teens to get enough sleep
Teens need about nine hours of sleep every night. Drowsy driving can be as risky as drunk driving and impacts perception, judgment and reflexes.
10. Eliminate distractions
Cell phones and text messaging are hazardous distractions while driving, and are illegal for teen drivers to use.