Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gas Saving Tips

Please enjoy the gas saving tips from Holmes Body Shop and Holmes Powersports below as you embark on your Summer Season Travels. Remember, we're here to help with any of your vehicle repair needs.

Save Gas without Driving Less

Driving Habits

How you accelerate can affect your gas mileage. Plan trips to avoid any construction or where there's a great deal of stop-and-go driving. Also, use cruise control on the highway to ensure a consistent speed.

Gas Flow (Combustion)

Making sure your flow of gas is not blocked is vital to getting the most gas for your money. Optimal use of your gasoline is helped through removal of deposits on your fuel injectors. Deposits have been found to start forming in as few as 1,500 miles. Studies have shown that deposits can decrease your fuel efficiency by as much as 11 percent. One great way to keep harmful deposits from accumulating in your fuel system is to use a product like STP® Gas Treatment, which contains Jet fuel, regularly when you fill up.

Tire Pressure

According to industry sources, under-inflated tires cut fuel economy by as much as two percent for each missing pound of pressure. If your tires are under-inflated, your engine will have to work harder to push your vehicle. Keep in mind that warm tires can give an inaccurate reading because heat build-up increases tire pressure. Make sure to check your tires' air pressure when they haven't been driven for more than a mile. Berke cautions to make sure your tires are inflated in accordance with your owner's manual; over-inflating will result in a harder ride.


Make sure the weight in you car is properly distributed. Don't carry a lot of weight on top of your car, and if you do, make sure to use a carrier so that the weight will be more evenly distributed. Also, carry only the basic emergency equipment and items you really need in your trunk.


The amount of resistance put on your car can have an effect on the fuel economy. The faster you drive, the more aerodynamic drag increases. Remove bike racks or carriers when they are not being used-they can add unnecessary resistance to your vehicle.

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