Driving safety tips are
applicable all-year round, but in the summer there are some special safety
issues that should be kept in mind.
Watch out for children and pedestrians on the road. With summer
and holidays, more children will be playing in the streets, and people will be
out cycling, skating or walking.
Pay attention to stress and fatigue. The additional heat in
summer and traffic delays can make you feel more tired and less alert than
Look out for road constructions and detours as most road
constructions take place during the summer.
Get your car tuned and serviced. All fluids, such as coolant,
brakes, power steering, windshield…, should be checked and topped off.
Change belts and hoses. Heat and humidity can deteriorate
Optimize tire pressure. Be sure to check your car manual for
optimum pressure level. Use seasonal tires if possible.
Keep drinks and health snacks in your car when going out on long
drives or if you expect delays on the road.
If you are going on long-trips, take regular rest stops or take
a break when you stop for fuel.
Keep a first-aid safety kit in your car. Make sure the contents
of the box have fresh supplies.
Weather conditions in summer can pose special threats to driving
safely. For example, overheating or sudden storms can create emergency
Hot weather conditions can make you car overheat resulting in
engine breakdowns. You should refer to your vehicle manual for proper cooling
guidelines. Ideally the cooling system in your car should be completely flushed
and refilled for maximum performance in the heat.
In case your car overheats and you need to refill the radiator
do not open the radiator cap immediately after stopping the vehicle but wait
until the engine has cooled down. The cap will be hot and pressurized steam
might burst out from the radiator causing you injury. Also you must be take
precautions to avoid contact with coolant. Additives in the coolant, such as
anti-freeze, may contain chemicals that are injurious to health.
[Addendum] Cars are
becoming increasingly complex. Modern cars have alternatives for adding coolant
that does not require direct direct access to the radiator. Some have positive
restraints and some cooling systems are sealed. In other words, if your vehicle
overheats, it is generally advisable to call and wait for knowledgeable help.
Sudden storms in summer
can create driving hazards that you might not have expected. Flash flooding,
tornadoes and rain may require you to take immediate precautionary measures. If
you come across water-crossings, get out of your car and check for the water
depth before you attempt to cross it. Do not attempt to cross if the water is
moving. Moving water is extremely dangerous and can easily sweep the car off
the road.
If you sense bad weather
approaching, turn on your radio and monitor the weather news. In case of
tornadoes, seek shelter immediately. If the road is wet due to rain, reduce
your car speed and drive carefully especially on curves.
The streets will be more crowded during the summer and the heat of the sun can do a number on vehicle, causing it to either break down or stall. Sites like this are very helpful in promoting traffic safety. I also think that we should generally be 200% careful the whole year long.